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Google uses its artificial intelligence systems to help people gain access to relevant information while avoiding potentially shocking or harmful content so they can stay safe, both online and offline. SafeSearch (SafeSearch) is a function of Google search and Google images that act as an automatic filter of pornography and potentially offensive and inappropriate content.


Use artificial intelligence to make Google safer

Although SafeSearch (SafeSearch) not 100% reliable, it helps to filter explicit content in results Google searches for all your queries on images, videos and websites. In one of the last bologs from Google-a explained how the browser uses MUM and BERT for safer search results.


  • Google uses MUM to better detect when a query indicates that a user is in crisis and will begin implementing these improvements within a few weeks.
  • Google uses BERT to improve its understanding when a user searches for explicit content.
  • Using BERT in this way has reduced "unexpected shocking results" for search engines by 30% in the past year, according to Google-u.
laptop on the desk

Better understanding

MUM can better understand the intent behind people's inquiries, which helps them more reliably show relevant information that is useful at the right time.

"MUM not only understands language, but also generates it. He is trained in 75 different languages ​​and many different tasks at once, which allows him to develop a more comprehensive understanding of information and knowledge about the world than previous models." He said Pandu Nayak associate Google-in a blog post.

"...people in personal crises search in various ways and it is not always obvious to us what their needs are. And if we can't recognize that accurately, we can't code our systems to display the most useful search results.”, he says Nayak.


Using machine learning to improve language comprehension helps Google-to find out more precisely when search results should contain telephone numbers of relevant crisis lines, for example.


No unpleasant surprises

Unexpected search results can often be an unpleasant experience. That is why it is essential that Google be able to better understand the intent of each search engine so that the results presented to them are in line with their expectations.

a drawing of a head with computer chips around it

SafeSearch mode allows search engines to filter explicit results. However, there are times when this is exactly what a person may be looking for.


BERT has improved our understanding of whether searches are really looking for explicit content, helping us to significantly reduce the chances of encountering surprising search results.", he wrote Nayak.

"Over the past year, using BERT in this way has reduced "unexpected, shocking" results by 30%", he revealed.


Prema Nayak, BERT was “particularly effective in reducing explicit content for searches related to ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender".


Reducing useless content

Google uses artificial intelligence to reduce spam emails and useless results in various locations.

And in the coming months, MUM will try to increase these security measures even where there is very little data. This is possible because, as it is Nayak explained, “When we train a MUM model to perform a task - such as classifying the nature of a query - it learns to do so in all the languages ​​it knows. ”

Google has assured users that these latest changes have been and will continue to be rigorously tested, including an assessment by manual search evaluators.


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